What is ip address:
each and every machine in a network identified by its own unique identifier. just like our own residential address. if your your home is in a city. somebody want to post a letter t o you. then he could write your address which is unique to identify by the postman. in a city there are many more house. hte postman can find your home easily in heir with htis address. like this scenario in a network a computer or a machine identify by its own unique address this address is called as IP address.
ip addtress is a logical addresss.it is an etwork layer(layer 3) address.
there are two versions in ip address.
each and every machine in a network identified by its own unique identifier. just like our own residential address. if your your home is in a city. somebody want to post a letter t o you. then he could write your address which is unique to identify by the postman. in a city there are many more house. hte postman can find your home easily in heir with htis address. like this scenario in a network a computer or a machine identify by its own unique address this address is called as IP address.
ip addtress is a logical addresss.it is an etwork layer(layer 3) address.
there are two versions in ip address.
- IPv4
- IPv6
in real time addressing there are two types of addressing that is static ip addressing and dynamic ip addressing
Static IP addressing:static ip addressing is which we assigns manually on the computer.this very rare situation to assign manually. it cause many problems to assigning manually without the basic understand of tcp/ip protocols and IP addressing.
dynamic ip addressing: it is the real time common scenario. ip address for our machine could be assigned automatically. suppose we have provided the internet services by the local ISP's. that means he could assign the ip address for our computer. he maintains a server in that server he has installed DHCP service. DHCP means Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. this is a protocol which assigns the ip address automatically to our machine.
how to assign static IP on my computer:
first go to control panel>network and internet>network connections>
here you can see the connections and right click on the active connection( if you have active on the local area connection right click on it) and select properties.
here a window will open:
select ipv4 and click on properties
here another window will open:
in this the point is on the "obtain ip automatically it means it is in dynamic ip mode. here you have an ip adress assigned by dhcp server(ISP). if you want to see your own ip address go to run>cmd> ipconfig
after clicking enter you can see you ip address.
if you want to enter your ip address manually . in the above window point it on the " use following ip ".
and you need to enter the ip address, subnet mask defualt gateway.
you must look over the post classification of ip address.